Sunday, December 11, 2005

davinana called me when i was having coffee with my parents and asked me: eh you like van arh?

Hello, in case you don't know, i have a natural aversion to people thinking i like/love/ have a crush on them. there are a few reasons why.

1) the oh-he's-like-mud syndrome
i think it takes a certain degree of bhb-ness on the girl's part to think that way. but of course they wuld be thinking u r the bhb one for daring to lust after them like a toad. whether or not they are like swan is another matter. but the key thing is: i dun like to be seen as a toad.

2) the avoid-him-like-mad syndrome
usually a branchoff from teh first one. but can occur on its own. basically what happens is that you lose a friend.

3) the invitation for trouble and slander
imagine all her frens toking abt you, especially if they think you aren't worthy. even though we like to say, dun care abt wad others say, talking is one thing, doing it is another. the last thing you need is everyone thinking you are a toad lusting after a swan.

unfortunately, it is often very difficult to convince ppl not on ur side that you aren't a toad and she isnt exactly a swan.

no offence to van though. i am just scared of people thinking i like them.

once bitten, twice shy.

like higaki, i am someone who's lost faith.

by the way, yesterday i learnt how to live. went meidi-ya at liang court. its a jap supermarket thing. all the stuff there are very nice. they really noe how to package their stuff. and i got the sapporo 05-06 winter story!!!(it's a beer btw). i like the concept! but i still think the earlier versions were nicer. and we bot sake. yay! and the noodles' packaging are so cool! den we went robertson quay, to this place called bon gout, its a bookshop/restaurant. dennis is working there and he told me abt it. there was THIS LITTLE GIRL, shes about 5. SHES VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY CUTE. she was with her father. SHE WAS VERY VERY VERY VERY CUTE. and she looked at me!!!!!!!!!AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
ok SHE WAS VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY CUTE. and i realise the area is very nice. and clarke quay is oso a nice area.


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