Thursday, December 21, 2006

well, you had your fun. and now you are back, things go back to hell again. you want to do as you please, without sparing a thought for us, without giving a damn as to what we think.

isn't that a little like rape?

even if you hadn't had your fun, even if you would also lose those precious few days, it doesn't change the fact that we don't want that. just because you can live without that doesn't mean we can, doesn't mean we want to.

please get that right, thank you very much.

and even if you say, it's just a possibility, everything's gone. because we have to plan everything around your sick little game. now i don't know if it's better for you to carry it out, or to just call it off together. i think either way, it won't matter that much right? cos we are all waiting for it to happen. and because of that, we are cancelling every other thing, that is a zillion times more important than yours. whether or not your game is played. just because there is a possibility you will play with us.

and i hate myself every single moment for losing to you.

do you understand the significance of those few days?

so what if you make it up to us? will you, in the first place? or will it be just on paper? and like i always say, that atmosphere can never be recreated. that day can never come again. only once, mind you. gone means gone.

well, you might say, it's just a date. a number.

then my question back to you:

why pick that date, then?


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