Saturday, May 05, 2007

I don’t deny people the joy.

Because I never say no. not even when it doesn’t excite me, or when it comes at the expense of my own joy.

Whether or not I don’t have the right to, or I can’t afford to, is something I have no intention of confirming.

You must understand how everything began, why we threw away everything. It is to share this joy with others.

Of course, I no longer believe in the word ‘unconditional’, so the word ‘others’ have come to refer to people who want it enough.

Not those who want it today, but not tomorrow.

Because it is very frustrating to have done everything you could, yet with nothing to show for. The worst is when people almost expect you to make sure everything is in order, then and only then do they think they should bother to come down. I just hate it when you are trying to have 12 and your 10 or 11 ask if you have 12.

But because I never say no, I have laid out the red carpet.

Take it or leave it.


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