Saturday, June 09, 2007

almost out of hell

i ever came across this saying. i can't remember it exactly. but it goes something like this: a man will know he had lived, when he sees his son ready to take his place in life.

the feeling the man is supposed to feel is that of being moved. moved that he is finally ready to move on.

i felt something like this when i saw them run in the other day. just like what i did a year ago.

welcome to hell, i tell them.

speaking of hell, maybe it does have a place here. it does have a function. "capitalism without bankruptcy is like christianity without hell" sort of underlines its importance. although this statement, in its original context was used to emphasise the role of bankruptcy. i have just reversed the juxtaposition.

finally we are ready to move on.

like fabregas, i had looked forward to the end of the season.

almost, almost.


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