Monday, March 03, 2008


Zürich really took my breath away, when i least expected it.
just before we reached Zürich, i was wondering what it would be like, cos you hear so much of it, yet know nothing about it. to be frank, i wasnt expecting much.
even though it rained, walking down bahnhofstrasse was very enjoyable, because it is really such a classy street. the winding alleys have so much character. then the schanzengrabe, the canal in the venetian mould, before reaching the Züricher See. the lake. the quayside is really a nice place to be at.
then the Fraumünster and Grossmünster. the marc chagall stained glass in the former. woah. i like the area around the Grossmünster. by the bank of the Limmat. benches where you can sit and contemplate. the bridges.

then a stop at the Opera House, then up to Lindenhof, where we got a bird eye's view of Zürich. Looking at the rolling hills, i realise it reminds me a lot of Kobe.
i was so enchanted by Zürich that i went back on Sunday, stayed there for a while before going back to Köln.
I went down to the lake, sat at the bank. then along the Limmat. Isn't it amazing how water can evoke throes of passion from mere mortals? it's like you would feel like embracing, kissing while you are staring out at the lake, at the river.

one of the most images that i saw there, which really stuck to me was that of a girl sitting on the steps leading down into the Limmat. at night. she was just sitting there, handbag on her lap, staring at nothing. then the church bells were ringing. she was so alone. i never managed to take a photo of that, but it would remain in my memory.
i promise that i will be back. i will sit at the Gran Cafe, enjoy a coffee and watch the world go by. like a Züricher. and take a cruise in the lake, along the river, and the gondolas.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's strange how we always exclaim the beauty of foreign cities and somehow remain aloof, sceptical even of our own city's beauty. if it's all about perspective then perhaps we are biased against what it local. or is it a case of the grass being greener on the other side, or the novelty of a foreign land? we hear others say how beautiful sg is but somehow we remain sceptical, cynical even. aesthetically, do we really pale in comparison or we do we let our opinions besmirch objective judgement? how many have actually had the time to detach ourselves from our lives and look at our surroundings as they really are? ive felt really good seeing rays of sunlight filtering through rain trees and thought that was really beautiful but was it just cos i felt really tranquil and that's beautiful? besides, havent really got much for objective comparison so i guess my standards are pretty low haha


3:57 PM  

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