Saturday, April 15, 2006

a wild sheep chase

what's with sheep and ears?

from murakami's a wild sheep chase

photos of me alone or of mountains and rivers and deer and cats were left intact. three albums rendered into a revised past. it was as if i'd been alone at birth, alone all my days and would continue alone.

i turn a corner, just as someone ahead of me turns the next corner. i can't see what that person looks like. all i can make out is a flash of white coattails. but the whiteness of the coattails is indelibly etched in my consciousness. ever get that feeling?

time really is one big continuous cloth, no? we habitaully cut out pieces of time to fit us, so we tend to fool ourselves into thinking that time is our size, but it really goes on and on.

you concentrate on waiting for someone and after a certain period of time, it hardly mattered what happens anymore. it could be five years or ten years or one month. it's all the same.

after them, there was no one to call. smack in the middle of a city with a million people out roaming the streets and no one to talk to.

humans by necessity must have a midway point between their desires and their pride. just as all objects must have a centre of gravity.

weakness is something that rots in the body...[...]...There's this something inside you that's rotting away and you feel it all along....[...]'s the same as a heriditary disease, weakness. no matter how much you understand it, there's nothing you can do to cure yourself. it's not going to go away with a clap of the hand. it just keeps getting worse and worse

on ears, the narrator was fascinated by this girl's ears. what's with ears? i guess to me, it's about the eyes. eyes that can really talk.


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