Sunday, January 07, 2007

things are getting quite irritating. i think i am losing faith in big organisations. increasingly i am feeling cheated by them.
and this is definitely not a good feeling to have. big organisations like my dear isp.

every night, i hear his calling. it gets louder and louder.

sometimes, people may take the time to come down and be with you. it is quite a touching gesture and certainly shows effort on their part.
but i think it is also somewhat pointless, because it doesnt change the fact that you are where you wouldn't want to be. not in a million years.

a person in hell who stays in hell to keep you company doesn't take you out of hell.

and for all you talk of appreciation, i think it is actually very simple.

show me the money and the time. that's all.

how mercenary we have become.

oh god, i am losing myself.


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