Friday, October 12, 2007


freedom and order are often put at opposite ends of the spectrum. for example, heightened security measures following terrorism threats are supposed to prevent terrorism, thus introducing order, although often at the expense of personal liberty. another example would be the stifling of democracy by certain states for the sake of stability.

is it really a case of having either but not both?

i think if people are mature enough, you certainly can have both. the freedom they have can be used to achieve order. i suppose it is called 'self-censorship'. you know how to behave.

maybe because there are immature people around, it is not quite possible to achieve this. after all, this is the ideal scenario, and as we all know, nothing in this world is quite the ideal.

but if i have to choose, i will always choose freedom. i think something really very important which i have learnt these two years is the value of freedom. i would rather be 'condemned to choose'. only by choosing can you take responsibility for yourself, because you can't provide any excuse: you alone made that choice.

i think freedom is a mechanism that enables you to do things because you either recognise that you have to, or because you want to. and i really think that a person who does something willingly is more likely to do it better than someone who does it unwillingly. the only case where i think this won't happen is when the latter is so capable that his effortless effort can be better than the former's sincere effort.

i also think that freedom is a very big factor in winning the hearts of people, in convincing them to be with you, rather than against you. i think this especially applies to people who are more ambitious, who crave the opportunity to express themselves. these are not people who are content to merely drift along, they want to be the difference.

but of course, you need a bit of enforced order, to give things a basic shape. everything else that occurs within is entirely up to the individuals. it is something like 75%freedom, 25%order. i think that is acceptable.

so some stuff i have learnt, jsut to add on, are the value of freedom, and the importance of freedom in bringing out the best of people, and also the role of freedom in winning people over.

because frankly, oppression and coercion don't work on mature, thinking people who are just dying to go out into the world and play on a higher level. on their level.

think about it: when your economy is still developing, you can focus on the low-tech stuff, but as it becomes developed, that won't be enough, you need to go up the ladder. similarly, when we are still young, we need more discipline, to prepare us for the road ahead. when we reach a certain stage, what we need is the freedom to unleash our creativity, because creativity is what will take us further. discipline is just something to make sure we don't go mad.

we are moving on, but they will forever stay at the bottom.


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