Saturday, January 17, 2009

about 2009

i feel that the world will be a better place if there is more sincerity, something i have been reiterating for a few years now. unbelievable how time flies. but i do feel that if we were to stop thinking about how much we can get out of someone, and start thinking about what we can offer him in return, there will be more goodwill and less suspicion. if everyone were to be interested only in maximising his own gain at the expense of others, the only environment that would arise is one filled with mistrust.

macchiavelli said, "the best way to get information is to give it, because a man who wants others to tell him what they know must tell them what he knows."

2009 started in the worst possible way with the financial crisis and the conflict between israel and palestine.

as outsiders, we can perhaps say things that will be derided by the parties involved as wild fantasies detached from history, reality and any understanding of the issue at hand. nevertheless, i still must say this:

if we were to close our eyes and put away our prejudices for just a moment, stretch out our hand to the other side, what we will find will be another hand just like ours. a human hand.

whatever your religion is, whatever food you eat, whatever language you speak, at the end of the day, we are all the same, aren't we?

i feel that the saddest thing is not missing out on opportunities, but not having the guts or the conviction to seize the opportunity. guts and conviction are two different things. guts is not holding back because you believe in it. conviction is about whether you want it or not in the first place.

i always feel that the people in the position to make decisions that will have far-reaching repercussions do not make such decisions either because they are afraid, or because they deliberately choose not to.

unresolved problems can be advantageous to a small number, although only at great detriment to others.

a crisis is a terrible thing to waste- paul romer.

and in times of crisis, what we need is composure.

and in times of crisis, will you shirk away or rise to the occasion?

i realise that whatever i have done before the break counts for nothing, because the season has only really just begun.

so come on!


Blogger PS said...

oh yes we are waiting for your season to when will it start??? haha

1:44 PM  
Blogger Melvin said...

chimolology leh i dun understand. lol

7:25 AM  

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