Saturday, March 18, 2006

my ideal system: a team of individuals given the creative licence to play. a clockwork machine with individual units that somehow click perfectly, performing their duties in any manner, as long as things get done. flexibility, fluidity. interchangeable roles. individuals within a system. something like the dutch system that rinus michels created.

but i realise that there isnt much place for idealism.

so i have thought of the next best system. a group of defenders, who is there just to defend. so that the attackers(the principal players of this system- us) can attack freely. without needing to come back to defend. because we just want to attack, and we love to attack. that's all that matters to us. we need defenders for this sole function. to go in for the challenges. so that we can play our game.

now, if you will use this analogy and think more. you will get my point. now you realise why we attackers need defenders.

hope is the absence of reason;
faith is entrusting this hope to others.

i ask myself why do i want this, why do i want that. sometimes, in the process of questioning myself, i get a clearer picture of things. and sometimes you realise how wrong you were. like you are pursuing this for the wrong reason. some things shouldn't be like this, even though i always say the world is grey. as hq says, life is contradictory. and like wad i say. theres no 100 percent in this world. so this questioning process is important. like reining in a horse running towards the edge of a cliff. but what if sometimes, you have no answer? is there supposed to be an answer to everything? i really don't know.

maybe we are all part of this gigantic clockwork. we move from one era to another. sometimes we think we are the masters of our destiny. we say the steam engine led to the Industiral Age. but maybe we are just part of a system. floating along on the waves. pawns of some masters? i say it's all an elaborate play slowly unfolding.

like the world's some deception. we are all lying to each other, to ourselves. maybe we are in denial. maybe we are lost. etc etc. maybe we are lies ourselves. all a big lie. calvino's if on a winter night a traveler is obviously having its influence on me.

is the world a lie or a play? but then again, isn't a play a lie?


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