Tuesday, August 08, 2006

chelsea with an A

i can't believe i actually believed you.

now i know, what a fool i have been.

i have never trusted you. i know i shouldn't. now, i know i won't ever.

still, i can't believe i actually believed you.

of course you can always say, hey at least you got something.

and then you can proceed to tell me your sob story. your melodrama.

maybe i should cry for you?

but that's the way you are. that's why you are always stuck in the past.

and you can also say, i could have reminded you, or push you. ask for it.

intiative? that's kinda hard you know. so what if we took it? you dun even know what needs to be done yourself. and you blame us?

of course this is just a possible scenario. but you can't blame me for thinking too much.

isn't that what you always do?

attitude reflects leadership, ___.

tell you the truth, i am sick of wiping your ass for you.

you are like chelsea. chelsea with an a. i am not your greatest fan.


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