Sunday, November 26, 2006

freedom of choice and responsibility

suppose they take some time off you, and promise to make it up to you. by right, you would be able to choose when to exercise this option. so theoretically, you are better off, because you have the freedom to choose.

but the truth is that more often than not, your choice is still bound by the restrictions and limitations they impose on you. and that's if you even get to exercise your option at all.

moreover, the atmosphere, the feeling of a special occasion can never be recreated again. it might come close, but it will never be the same.

today i saw this guy get up from his seat because there was an old lady. but he did not indicate that it was for her. she didnt see it, and another guy went to take the seat.

i think we all have this sense of responsibility. moral obligation. but we just dun want to say it. we just do it, do our part. but if we don't say, they won't know. and they won't benefit. so it all comes to waste.

on the other hand, that guy was sitting on the seat meant for the needy. what if he got up because he felt he had no choice?

or because he rather someone else take that seat and hence that responsibility? passing the burden on.


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