Monday, October 06, 2008


i have been thinking.

if someone asks a favour from another, but doesn't get back to that person until a bit later, it can mean a few things:

1. the someone trusts that person very, very much because he can leave something to that person without needing to worry

2. he can't be bothered.

in the second case, the implication is that he doesn't want it enough.

in the first case, that other person ought to feel flattered that he is held in such high regard.

but again, if that trust really exists, it should be two-way. the relationship must be at a certain level; both sides must know what they are doing and why. if this condition is not fulfilled, i don't really believe that you can say that someone trust that person. neither can you say that that person trust that someone, because if he doesn't know what that someone is up to, how can he trust that someone?

all confusing indeed.

but i feel that it could be due to the lack of respect for that person, seeing that person as an underling- perhaps the only underling because there wasn't anyone else to turn to.

then that someone is really the lowest of the low. for someone forced into a corner with no one else to turn to, so to say, he shouldnt really have any right to talk, let alone behave like this.

but yet to be able to turn the table and behave as if the whole world revolves around him, the whole world owes him a living, surely you can say that is the hallmark of 'greatness'.

i don't believe that you can simply show up and expect to win.

and i don't regard people who think that way highly.

it doesn't show respect to the other people who fought.


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