Saturday, July 07, 2007

my name is red

'to god belongs the east and the west'

orhan pamuk's my name is red won rave reviews.

he was certainly ambitious. i could have imagined writing from many different perspectives within a novel; but he had expanded the scope to include perspectives from objects (a Venetian coin), drawings (a horse, Satan, a dog) and even death.

there was a love story, a detective story and a philosophical/religious discourse. i must say he has managed to bridge everything together quite nicely.

the clash of the artistic styles of the Europeans and the Ottomans, a theme of the story, is a perfect symbol for the clash between East and West. and i thought it was particularly apt that a Turk should write about it, because Turkey straddles East and West. Hence, a Turk would be in the best position to comment. If only all discussions regarding this sensitive issue can lead to the conclusion cited in the novel, that ' to god belongs the east and west', rather than war, maybe peace would really be attainable.

my only complaint about the novel is that it can be very draggy. and even when it isn't, i still take a longer time to complete it, relative to other books of similar length.


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