Sunday, July 01, 2007

unhappy union

when two or more parties are being put together in a sort of 'forced union', 2 very possible outcomes may arise.

1, it is a happy union.
2, it is an unhappy union.

how outcome 2 can arise can be further classified into 3 ways.

a, both set out to ruin the union.
b, one set out to ruin the union.
c, by a cruel stroke of fate/luck, something unexplainable happened that soured the relationship.

when outcome 2 occurs, there are three remedies:
-let it die a natural death
-accelerate its death
-rectify it.

i think i am in an unhappy union which is forced upon me. it is unhappy because of unfortunate circumstances. and because i am not the kind of person who gives a damn as to how people who don't matter to me think about me, and because i am the kind of person who is difficult to understand, i have chosen to let the union die a natural death. it is also partly because to accelerate its death is beyond my means.

having analysed the situation in its entirety, i think i have made the best choice out of all those available. i always pride myself on making the best decisions given the circumstances. this should be no exception.


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