Saturday, September 22, 2007


First Yen i spent: Was on topping up my Suica, their equivalent of the ez-link. it costs 1000 yen to get from narita to my brother's place in kaminakazato.

Best Food i ate: the tamago at Torikai, an izakaya in Shinjuku. this was very difficult to decide because everything was good. but this has to be the best, because it was totally out of this world. the tamago was very amai, and there is like soup within it, so there is this burst of sweetness. and the radish simply melts in your mouth. it is so simple, yet so amazing.

Last food i ate in Japan: Belgian Chocolate Pudding and Strawberry Pudding from Du Cassis. Surprisingly, i liked the chocolate more.

Nicest Temple/shrine: Meiji Jingu. it's a very nice walk along the tree-lined boulevard into the shrine itself. very tranquil and all.

Nicest Dessert-kind-of-thing: Mochi Cream in Osaka. Originally from Kobe, but they have got branches in Kyoto and Osaka as well. Osaka was like our last chance to get it. Thankfully we did. The one in the picture was Red Wine. It is very nice to eat it in summer, because it is very refreshing. i think the filling is something like ice cream, or close.

Most thankful moment: Meeting up with okasan. firstly because to be able to recognise each other even after 4 years is somewhat amazing. and secondly, they were leaving for asakusa already, after waiting for an hour for me, who was waiting at the other station. so it is a kind of fate.

Best Advice:

muragimo no kokoro ni toite hajizaraba

yono hitogoto wa ikani aritomo

- Empress Shoken

if you consult your inmost heart

and still need feel no shame,

then let the people of the world

talk on as they please
Cutest girl i saw. in Kyoto Ginkakuji.
Most emotional name for a drink: Sore Kara (on the right). From then on.
The favourite bento among ladies at the Himeji Station. I didn't know it when i chose it. i only knew it when the auntie flipped the sign over to let us see the price.


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