Tuesday, December 04, 2007

wo ist fred?

finally got around to watching this german comedy; missed it the first time round at the gff.

it is about fred, who in order to win the favour of his gf's son, acts as a handicapped person so as to get into the handicapped section of the basketball arena because tts the only way to get a chance to catch the ball alba berlin's star mercurio mueller flings to that section after he sets yet another scoring record.

true enough, he caught it, albeit with some tricks. but hilarity ensued when he had to take part in a documentary-thingy to promote alba berlin's image, esp tt of a bball team which cares for society blah blah, because it meant tt he had to act handicapped for a week or so.

the funniest part was probably the scene in the cafe where fred kept switching between fred the handicapped and his 'normal twin brother'.

anyway, the last part where fred made his confession in the arena reminded me of 200 pounds beauty.

til schweiger as fred
alexandra maria lara as denise, the 'director' of the film
juergen vogel as alex, fred's friend
tanja wenzel as vicky, denise' assistant
christoph maria herbst as ronnie, the handicapped no1 fan of alba berlin
pasquale aleardi as benno held, alba berlin's image consultant
anja kling as mara, fred's gf


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