Sunday, March 26, 2006

i just realised i have alot of books to read.

the 10 faces of innovation
sophie's world
the next global stage

speaking of kokoro, it's the first soseki book i am reading.

i cant explain my immense relief at finding a daugher of the samurai, which is my all time favourite book along wif totto chan. more on a daughter of the samurai: i guess its the most defining book in my journey of fiction reading. i used to read alot of adventure stuff, when i was young, it was the hardy boys, nancy drew that kind of books, then i moved on to clancy, criechton and co. after i read this book, i start to like those books written in teh first person, or those books that has this kind of very simple language but are very subtle and reflective that kind. abit like musing. maybe that explains why i like murakami. and soseki belongs to tis category, i suppose.

back to kokoro, i like the character Sensei alot. really a haunted man. "there is guilt in loving." he is really a complicated man. helpless at the same time.

anotehr thing: nowadays i seem to read faster and faster. which is good, cos it means can read more.

but one day, we have to go out and see the world for ourselves.


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