Sunday, December 09, 2007

we finally ran out of it. what's the 'it'?

i guess you can say we failed the test. test of faith, you might say.

i don't really know what to say.

betrayal? disappointment? sadness?

whatever it is, it certainly has been coming. perhaps this pain is self-inflicted. and wouldn't have come into existence if we were able to take a step back and tell ourselves nothing in this world is important.

after all, whoever is more elastic gets less of the burden. 3,4 years on, it's still valid.

in this world, nobody owes anybody anything. that's the harsh reality.

what do you want me to say?

probably nothing is more humbling than staring at emptiness.

we always think there's going to be a next time.

there isn't.

would people even give a damn?

probably not. maybe stung for a while, apologetic even, for all of 10 seconds. after that, back to their own lives.



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