Monday, January 30, 2006

i am still struggling with a few questions.

no offence intended, but some christians' zeal in encouraging people to come to their churches can be quite irritating at times, and leads me to question their faith, because sometimes it seems as though their faith has been reduced to a superficial level, based on the way they promote it. coming from a free thinker, one may think: what do you know about religion. actually not alot, but it doesnt mean to say i dont believe there exists some higher being. in fact i do. and my heart is a church. it is just that my faith cant be classified as buddhism, islam or christianity. it is sort of an amalgam of all. thus i urge that people do take time to think: what does their faith mean to them. actually this isn't the question i have. but i thought i would just say it anyway.

the real question occured to me after i read this short story by bertoldt brecht. its german lar. in it, theres this guy and a flood. as the water level rose steadily, he kept praying that some boat would come and rescue him. when the water level rose so high that if it had risen any higher, he would have drowned, he started to swim and realise that he himself was a boat. the significance of it all: brecht was an atheist. he was criticising people for banking too much on their faith, and neglecting the fact that we are actually empowered to decide our own fates and do not have to leave it to someone up in the heavens.

i found his case compelling. yet i know that i pray alot for divine intervention. so herein lies my internal struggle. do we need god?

Reason vs Instinct
which serves as a better guide? one is the mind, the otehr is the heart. i am more inclined to go with instinct. sometimes i feel that the more we think, the more clouded we become. or the more hesitant we become. yet soemtimes we need to think. i guess the answer is: it depends. sometimes we think, soemtimes we feel.

in attempting to answer these 2 questions, i realise that there is no 100 percent in this world. not just based on these 2 questions of course. i mean look around you. what is 100 percent? what exactly is it. people say they put in their effort, 100 percent. yet, how did they measure it? let's assume that there is indeed 100 percent effort. so it means my statement is wrong isnt it? yet this alone proves that my statement is correct. that the statement is not 100 percent correct, is also testament to the idea that there is no 100 percent in this world.

more on 100 percent effort.
perfection, is when you can look at your mate in the eye, knowing that there was nothing more that you could have done. this came from friday night lights. i cant agree more.
yet i know you can never be fast enough. this statement alone shows that there is always more that you can do.
the irony of it.

more on friday night lights. it has affected me alot.
whenever i think or say: i am 18 (or 19 for the matter), the thot that immediately followed was: i don't feel 18/19 ala Mike Winchell in friday night lights. it happened again yest. loof is a nice place to chill, though the drinks sort of sucks.


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