Saturday, July 21, 2007


sometimes we weave webs. things/decisions/actions that cover for each other. such webs are supposed to give us a sense of security and are probably borne out of a single decision which we want to make, but yet have no full confidence in. so we add on another part to it, so that if it does fall short, the other part can offset it. and yet we find shortcomings in this addition, and so we add another. and another and so on.

if we are not careful, if we make a mistake in the calculation, or there is simply just no chance of eliminating all risks in the endeavour, we end up with a massive web that is seemingly flawless but is, in reality, extremely vulnerable, because all the parts end up becoming interdependent on one another. Thus the web becomes like a shaky building on many pillars; should a pillar collapse, the whole building would follow.

just like a web of lies.


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